Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Angels

It finally started to snow late yesterday afternoon and Rich captured these snow angels on our driveway!




What a difference a year makes!! Last year, at age two, she didn't like the cold, white stuff at all! Now she's making angels and trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue.

Tonight, while working at my desk, I heard a scritch, scritch, scritch. Sure enough it was Brett shoveling the snow off our driveway. (What a guy!!) When I opened the garage door the girls (all but Mo, who was ill) yelled "Grandma, come play with us!!" So at nearly 7 pm we were throwing snowballs. It took me more time to put on extra layers, hat, two pair of gloves, snow boots, heavy jacket and scarf, than it did to play. I was their target and they loved it. A few minutes and it was their bedtime! All will sleep well tonight!

It was actually a relief to have a wonderful snowy day. We need it so badly! It was a good day to create a yummy white bean chili for dinner. Weatherman said Newton received 5.7 inches! Yay!

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