Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall is Here!

Fall arrived here with a rainy day and PROMISE of cooler temperatures! WAHOO! That makes me a HAPPY girl!

This is what our dining room table looks like - all decked out for Fall.

To celebrate the first day of Fall, Isabel and I thought it would be fun to make caramel apples. So after her USUAL lunch of PB&J, we began.

Her first job was to dry the apples and remove the stems.

She carefully dipped in the hot caramel.

Into the fridge to let the caramel set.

Let it be said that parchment paper works MUCH better than buttered wax paper!

Isabel's bottom front tooth was very loose, she could almost push it out with her tongue. So while waiting for our apples to "set", I tried to pull it, but it was so stinkin' little that I couldn't get hold of it.  We decided she could just eat her apple on the side.

After an hour we sat down to eat our yummy treats. They were delicious. The tart crispness of the Honeycrisp apple with the buttery, sticky, sweetness of the caramel. Pure decadence! We were two happy girls!

I made a quick trip to my office when I heard a panicky "G.R.A.N.D.M.A.!!  I swallowed my tooth!!" Sure enough her bowl was empty. It must have gone down with the last bite of apple. She was a V.E.R.Y. good sport about it and I'll bet the Tooth Fairy will still make a stop at her house tonight!

The first day of Fall was a good day here.  Hope it was for you too!


  1. Fall (i.e. cooler temperatures) makes this girl very happy as well!!! That's funny about her tooth because I remember losing a tooth AND swallowing it one time when I was at my grandma's house...I was nervous about that. My grandmother, however, was very nice about explaining to me what would happen to it.

  2. Decorations are lovely, and the apples look great. What fun having 4 granddaughters within shouting distance!

  3. Carolyn: Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. I don't always take the time to comment when I stop in to read yours, but certainly enjoy it. Our granddaughter just lost her second upper front tooth. It seems I remember she may have swallowed her first one. Yes, the tooth fairy did stop by anyway.

    Just reading about the caramel apples makes my mouth water. Yum
