Maeve is 5 years old today! Our little "spunky monkey" has a birth date to remember 7-7-7.
Her Daddy gave her flowers and her sisters chose a big happy birthday balloon.
It was a surprise party and so the ruse to get her out of the house was for her to pick dinner of her choice. First it was going to be Chinese, then at the last minute she changed to pizza. So pizza it was. Her three big sisters really take good care of her. Isabel, Moira, Maeve, Audrey, aren't they a sweet bunch?!
Her sisters made her cards and then my favorite part - their gifts are something of their own. Moira passed on her American Girl doll. Look at the expression on Maeve's face! I love it!
Cake and a #5 candle topped off the celebration.
Then we went downstairs for some rousing games of air hockey! What fun! Moira was clearly the winner! She even beat Papa, which happens very seldom in games!
We are so blessed to have this little girl in our family. When she comes to visit, she likes to ring the doorbell and then hide around the corner. She thinks she's very clever!
She's very excited to start kindergarten in a few weeks. She thinks riding the bus with her sisters will be very fun - and yes, she won't have to take naps like she was expected to do in pre-K. She's waaay beyond THAT! :)
Love you Mae-Mae!
All the way my Saviour leads me
5 days ago
Isn't that neat to have a birthday on 7-7-7?! I guess someone has to be born on those dates like 1-1-1, 2-2-2, etc.!