Before we made our move to Kansas, we made several trips here checking on the building progress of our house. On one such trip we saw lots of these tents - popping up all over. It reminded me of when I was a young girl growing up Iowa. You see ... every summer an evangelist would come to town, set up a tent and have a revival.
I said to Rich, "Well, you can tell we're in the Bible belt with all of these REVIVAL TENTS!
The revival tents of my youth were your basic 1950s brown canvas tents ... not colorful like these.
And then, Lo and behold they weren't revival tents at all but were these ...
Fireworks go on sale here from June 30-July 4. I have counted no less than NINE of these tents within a 4-mile radius of our house. CRAZY! And then, to top it off, we have neighbors who hold some back to shoot off at midnight on New Year's Eve! Talk about a rude awakening our first year here!
What a foreign concept to us! You see in California, fireworks are illegal, except in cases where a beach city will have a display off their local pier, or a park and rec will hold a community-wide event, or such as these in Dodger Stadium. Now THESE are some fireworks!!
Have a safe July 4th - celebrating everything that is good about the USA!
All the way my Saviour leads me
3 weeks ago
Ha ha!! You make me laugh! I remember revival tents too in Japan. It was how we began churches at first in the 50's and early 60's. Jill HATES all the noise here - so noisy for the babies. Some people go to hotels to escape the sounds.