We joined them for pizza and cake and ice cream. When we walked in the house, Maeve was jumping up and down, so excited, YELLING "we have presents"!
She had lots of help blowing out the candles from her big sisters Moira, Audrey, and Isabel!
For their gifts to Maeve, Moira, Audrey, and Isabel each gave her a small stuffed animal from their own collections. How very sweet!
They were so excited for her to open their "packages". Mo and Isabel "wrapped" their gifts in zip bags and Audrey "wrapped" hers in paper towels and about half a roll of tape, which SHE thought was hilarious. Poor Maeve could hardly unwrap it!
That is so neat that her birthday is 7/7/07! I've heard of people marrying on such dates, like Feb.2,2002 at 2:22. Fun! Happy Birthday, Dear Maeve!