I Love, Love, Love how Maddie sits with her little pudgy legs crossed at the ankles. Add her sweet hands and my heart melts!
When Maddie is really excited she flaps her hands and arms. Watching Baby Einstein with Lauren there was something that really made her happy.
Jordyn stopped by after her trip to San Diego, just in time to feed Maddie.
On Wednesday I met Cole for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. He could leave campus on this day so it was perfect. I find it's really important to look for and find these special moments with my grandkids!
Also stopping by CPK was my cousin Eldon (JR). I stopped by the hospital earlier to see his Dad but timing was wrong, so JR came to join us for lunch. I was glad he and Cole could meet each other. We reminisced how he took me to my senior prom. I remarked we were Cole's age. At that, the lady sitting at the table behind us piped up and said, "and it was just yesterday!" Sure was!
Out for an early morning walk with Maddie. After a blistering hot summer in Kansas, would you believe I get to California and it's 90-100 degrees for much of my trip! Couldn't believe it. So after her breakfast we took advantage of some relatively cool morning air and walked to the park.
Looking out of their development to Boney Mountain which was the backdrop for our beloved Newbury Park. It was what divided our valley from the ocean. Gorgeous!
Their neighborhood park. So lovely with the mountains that are the "backside" of Moorpark. Makes me homesick all over again!
Maddie and her Daddy, waiting for Mommie to get home from her trip. We three had a wonderful week, with the bonus that I could be with Jeff & Caroline and their family, my mom and siblings, and my cousin.
Thanks again Jeremy and Renee for giving me the opportunity to be with your precious little daughter!
All the way my Saviour leads me
5 days ago
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