We spent five great days in Branson just relaxing, reading, sightseeing and taking in a couple of shows. Rich plays LOTS of "Words with Friends", we played shuffleboard and tether ball a couple of days at our resort, and basically enjoyed just "hanging out". We've been to Branson 8-9 times since we bought our timeshare in 2005 and this was the first time we were there alone. We really enjoyed it. You have to get away from the computer at home once in a while!
Having lunch at the landing and the"top of the hour" light show began, just as the steamboat was passing by. All well timed! Love the rainbow!
We drove through one of Rich's favorite places, Saddlebrooke. It's a lovely development located between Branson and Springfield and trees were resplendent with their fall foliage.
A scenic drive back to Branson.
We've had such a gorgeous fall! Thinking about the change of season today, I thought seasons change but God's love and protection never do. He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
All the way my Saviour leads me
2 weeks ago
A wonderful get-away!!