As a combined anniversary, birthday, and Mother's Day gift, Rich sent me to California for ten days. He said he knew of nothing else that would give me so much pleasure! What a gift! Precious time with Jeff and Jeremy and their families, my siblings, my mom, and very dear friends. LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it!
The first weekend I spent with Jeremy, Renee, and Maddie. Jeremy was certain I'd like to help with Maddie's bath! She's a slippery little thing!
I loved playing with her. She's a fun little girl. A charmer for sure!
Squash - a new vegetable. Hmmm, not so sure, she says!
Well, maybe not so bad! She enjoys her food! She pays very close attention when people are eating around her, watching them chew and talk. It was fun to watch her reaction as Renee held her at the stove while Jeremy cooked. She really seemed to sniff and smell. A foodie in the making!
She's an arm full for this Grandma. She's my motivation for getting back to the gym. Need to lift weights so I can lift her!
Out on a walk with Cole and Maddie - our oldest and youngest grandchildren.
Maddie was dedicated at church on Mother's Day and Jeremy and Renee received a very sweet children's Bible as a gift. Renee began what they plan to be a family tradition of a Bible story at bedtime.
Nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby! Remember when Jeremy and Renee were told she wouldn't be able to close her eyes to sleep??? Well, they close almost 100%!
A highlight of my visit was lunch on three separate days with very dear friends!
Fearless Foursome - Rockwell Science Center colleagues. We were a pretty good team - even if we say so ourselves! We worked like the dickens and kept that executive suite hummin'! Susan, Phyllis, Jeanette, and me.
Fab Four! Lucy, Janet, Betty, me. We've been together in church since the 1970s. Lots of water under our bridges! I've discovered just how precious history is in friendships!
Oldies but Goodies! Not speaking of age, of course!! :) Kathy and I had a great lunch with Sharon and Sandy, also sisters. Sharon was my high school friend and Sandy was our sister, Cheryl's friend. They had a cousin, Gary, who was Kathy's first "crush". We met them soon after we moved to CA from Iowa in 1956 at Fairview Heights Baptist Church.
It was really precious time for me to reconnect with these dear gals! Love YOU all!
All the way my Saviour leads me
2 weeks ago